Impersonation email protection
If the impersonation attempt is made on one of our VIPs:
- A warning message will automatically be added to the email body
- It notifies recipients that the message may not be from the actual sender
- The warning message will appear as follows:
From: John Ching <> Subject: Available? appears similar to someone who previously sent you email, but may not be that person. Learn why this could be a risk |
If you receive an impersonated message, you can simply delete it and take no further action.
non-VIP :
If the impersonation attempt is made on someone who is not our VIP:
- A warning message will only be added upon user complaints
- The warning message will appear as follows:
From: Jack Ng <> Subject: Available? [ALERT] : The sender of this email may not be affiliated with HKUST. Be cautious! ...........
If you receive an impersonated message, you can simply delete it and take no further action.